Wednesday, November 23, 2005

DOTW for Week of Nov 20th

Hello again my fellow fans. As promised in my last DOTW posting this weeks DOTW will not be a poker player (well he is but not a house hold name just yet but he will be) but my fellow blogger and FFL comrade, the Big Heeb himself. The Big Heeb was trying to avenge his bustout in a Festa Al Lago STT from this past October. It was me the Action Donkey who did the honors. with a Q8 off-suit. I flopped a pair, turned 2 pair and rivered a full-house. While this did not sit well with Big Heeb and yes it was an actual Donkey moment for me because I should have let my short-stack friend take the blinds, it happened and we all must move on (at least I have).

Fast forward 6 weeks later and it is time for the Big Heeb to exact his revenge as we played heads up last week in our FFL league. Big heeb was talking smack and said place any bets gents. Well me being a donkey I said I'll take you up. I suggested betting a STT buy-in for the WSOP circuit event at Rincon under $250. Of course Big Heeb agreed to this because he is a donkey too. It was a closely contested battle but in the end the better team won and that team was the Action Donkey's. Now Big Heeb probably won't admit my team is better but that's ok. He owes me a buy-in and I get bragging rights for a whole year...not to shabby.

Game ball's go to Coach Shannahan and the Bill's D. I couldn't have done it without you and of course to Reggie Wayne and Byron Leftwich. Thanks fella's the checks are in the mail!!

See ya all next week. ActionDonkey signing off!!

1 comment:

BigHeeb91 said...

I hate you...