Sunday, June 18, 2006

No Mickey D's for me

So once again, I have bested No Black Aces. We both competed in the Poker Stars World Blogging Championships. Top 54 got prizes and neither of us got a prize. However, we did have a last longer bet. Well I lasted longer. NBA finshed 560 and I finished 286. Not even close. So NBA will be buying me dinner at my choice. In typical NBA fashion, he offered me McDonalds. I on the other hand have a different idea...Delmonico's in the Venetian is sounding good right now.

1 comment:

BigHeeb91 said...

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury:

I point you to exhibit A: My post last week read,

"Winner receives, say, dinner Tuesday night at the restaurant of his choice? Shouldn't cost more than $25 or so..."

Therefor, the evidence clearly shows that Stewman is out of his mind expecting Delmonico's for his victory in the last longer bet.

If he's lucky, he may get the Rio buffet (which is still going to cost more than the agreed upon $25, but hey he's worth it!)