Thursday, October 27, 2005

DOTW for week of Oct 24th

Hello to all of my loyal readers. It is time for my second installment of DOTW. This week was a tough one in deciding who took the cake in total Donkey action. ESPN ME coverage filled me with a lot of potential candidates and even the Ladies Night on WPT even gave me a few to choose from so I've decided to go against the rules and dole out numerous winners.

1. Steve Dannenmann - How this guy made it to the final table I don't know, we shall see but his play was suspect. It wasn't that his play was that bad but what makes him eligible for DOTW is his bluffing "The Professor" (BTW, if you don't know who the Professor is, please stop reading this blog) and then calling his buddy to brag right after the hand. That was ridiculous to call his buddy and sad for him ESPN caught him doing it.
Note to Donkeys: If you do something really Donkeyish during the WSOP,
ESPN will catch it and air it.

Don't call your friend after a bluff, call him at the end of the day if you survive then tell him about your play

2. "The Professors" TV table - That whole table just gave there chips away especially that donkey who went all in and Lederer had practically the nuts.

3. The Stinky Guy - Man was that guy a donkey just for being annoying and smelly. Maybe across the pond it is ok not to wash your clothes but c'mon man. Also please Shut the F%$# UP!!! Last year Mattias Anderson and now this year that fool.

4. Jennifer Tilly - Now now you ladies out there don't flame me on this choice. I know she is the reigning ladies champ at the WSOP and won the WPT ladies night event but I think her play is extremely aggressive, loose and donkeyish. Of course they edit the show so we don't see every hand but I felt it was obvious that she didn't have anything on some of those hands. Granted I'm not under the lights and pressure so I may have done some of those laydowns but be aggressive ladies, you know she doesn't always have a big hand.

5. The guy playing against Layne Flack - Layne Flack opens the pot with AJ off suit. Get's reraised by a guy with pocket 6's. I don't mind the reraise but Layne may be the wrong person to do this against. Flop comes jack high and and turn an ace. Layne throws out a 20k bet on the river and the donkey calls him. You gotta know you are beat at that point. Give Layne some credit.

6. The other guy playing against Layne Flack - Layne raises with junk, get's re-raised with a guy with 54 and flop comes with an ace. Layne bet's, get reraised, then re-raises and the guy calls. They check it down and then the guy doesn't want to show his cards because he knows he is a donkey.
Another Note: When it goes down to the river, show your dam cards. I hate these guys who won't show there cards. Example: Kondraki flopping a set of 6's vs. pocket Q's.

7. Mike Matusow - JUST BECAUSE
Last Note: Raymer was the man in this tourney and if it wasn't for a donkey play that crippled him with about 3-4 tables left, he may have made the final table and made history. Matusow just needs to shut his yap. Got him nowhere except a bench to cry on last year. I applaud his performance this year but show some respect to Raymer...and I don't want to hear the BS that his is trying to get under his skin. Raymer proved last year that doesn't work.

Well I'm sure I've missed a few but hey it's a tough job keeping track of all the donkey's out there. See ya yall next week.

Action Donkey signing off...HEE HAW

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