Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Top 10 observations in this recent trip to Vegas

Now some of these I've known about but some I didn't...

10. Expect to see a lot of young HPOA's (Hot piece of ass's) with old men....it's all about the money baby!!

9. If you stare at a hooker long enough across the casino floor, she will eventually wave at you and tell you to come over.

8. If you are playing a ring game and a guy and woman sit down at the same time along with a new dealer and then get up and leave when the dealer changes about 30 minutes later with about a profit of $300, you know something is not kosher (Right Sinatra76).

7. The Bellagio poker room is an awesome experience but too crowded.

6. I am utterly consumed and addicted with Poker which just proves that I really need to get laid and soon.

5. I am not yet in the league of tournament pro's but I don't feel like dead money either.

4. Liz Lieu and Evelyn Ng are just as hot in person as they are on TV. GOOD FREAKING LORD!!!!

3. I am horrible at playing STT's with a friend because I don't catch on to certain moves like I should (sorry Big Heeb).

2. I am a lot better at single table tournaments than I used to be, but I guess just going 1 for 1 isn't really proving too much.

1. I am the biggest DONKEY of them all for continually playing cash games with complete donkey's who call a twice raised pot with J10 out of position and chase it down to the river to make a runner runner flush while I had KK and flopped a set.

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