Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Open letter to Barry Shulman

Cardplayer article

Mr. Shulman,

Hi Mr. Shulman, my name is Stewman. As you may guess that is not my real name but due to national security reasons I cannot disclose my real identity to you. I am writing to you in regard to your recently published article (link above) on your website Cardplayer.com. While I share in your angst and frustration with the recently passed legislation regarding on-line poker and the underhanded methods it was introduced for a vote, I am troubled by your article on Cardplayer.com. While this is your business and right to publish what you want on your magazine, I feel this is in poor taste. As you can see by the comments left by other readers, they share in the same sentiment as me. We go to your site to read about poker not about your views. I understand the theme of the article is about poker but it comes across poorly. I could rant some more and truly delve into the politics on this subject but this is a blog about poker not politics and my loyals readers (what's up Donks) want poker content. Your loyal readers, subcription buyers,I'm sure your ad buyers and myself would appreciate what we have come accustomed to and that is true poker content.

In closing I just want to say I hope everyone able to vote today did. It truly is your duty, not just a right.


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