Thursday, November 09, 2006

Donkeys are what makes this country great!

In an effort not to offend Stewman (too badly, at least) I will keep this short and sweet.

I am proud to be an American.

I am proud to be part of a system where we, the people, are the voice of this country.

I am proud of all the republicans and independents who crossed party lines this election day and did what was best for this country.

I am proud my party has regained control of BOTH the House of Representitives and the Senate.

I am proud to be a democrat.

I am proud to be a donkey.

~ NBA ~


RiverRat said...

you ever make the connection between an absolute idiot at the poker table and a democrat? I know your proud but there are reasons nicknames come to pass......

BigHeeb91 said...

"Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist, came to the United States with his parents in 1840 when he was six. He first used the donkey in an 1870 Harper's Weekly cartoon to represent the "Copperhead Press" kicking a dead lion, symbolizing Lincoln's Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who had recently died. Nast intended the donkey to represent an anti-war faction with whom he disagreed , but the symbol caught the public's fancy and the cartoonist continued using it to indicate some Democratic editors and newspapers."

... but i can see how somebody would ignore the true meaning behind a political party's mascot and just make up their own in an attempt to ridicule another person with different views from their own.