Thursday, December 28, 2006

Does JJ EVER win!?!?!?!?

Get dealt JJ 3 times in 5 hands.

Once I just smooth-call a raise, we go heads-up to the flop... K hits the flop. It's bet, I raise, I get re-raised, I fold.

Once I raise, 4 to the flop... A-Q-9 hits the flop. It's bet, I fold.

Once I limp, 4 to the flop... A hits the flop. It's bet I fold.

It's not looking good.


1 comment:

Stewman said...

Well most people hate JJ. I like it as I've had mostly good luck with it but it is a very weak large pair with 3 overs and inevitably somebody holding one of those 3 cards. It's like having KK and the flop always seeming to come with an ace. Bad luck but hang in there, your better than the garbage that I see on there.