Thursday, January 05, 2006

Getting on with life...

I wanted to take this opportunity and thank you guys for being so supportive over the last few weeks. Shit had really hit the fan and I am extremely grateful that you guys lent me an ear.

Seriously, thank you.

Stewman: I apoligize that you haven't been "in the know" but just consider yourself lucky that you don't work at that piece of shit company the rest of us do.

On to less important stuff...

Online poker is fun again! During all the drama and bullshit I really limited myself to playing online because I felt like I couldn't afford to lose. The result = I lost confidence in my game and when I did play, I played scared.

But for the most part, I'm winning again. I had a rough December (my first month in the red since May) but have been putting together a nice rebound month for January.

The schedule for the Feb WSOP Circuit at Harrah's Rincon is still not out, but I am planning to be there for at least 3 events and some cash games. I want to do the rounds in the main event and get some pics taken with the big boys (since you guys never seem to take any pics of me when we're in Vegas!!) and put them up on the blog.

I read a HILLARIOUS article on It's called "Donking It Up In The Game Of Life". My favorite line is:

"A standard raise of thirty-seven and a half times the big blind should be sufficient to eliminate both players and take down a very small pot pre-flop with a dominating hand and favorable table position."

Too funny... I swear, after having my black aces cracked three times in 2 hours, I felt like this was my only play.

Still haven't changed the name although I want to. Hopefully I will get around to it this week.

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