Friday, April 21, 2006

Play Perfect Poker And This Can Happen To You

Well, I played perfect poker (as I have for the last 3 weeks) and it finally paid off... It's small, but the money doesn't mean as much as the trophy.

Luck sure helped a bunch... I saw pocket Aces 4 times in 1 tourney, won all 4 times, doubling up twice with em. I also was dealt KK and QQ quite a few times, every one of em holding up. I won with AK vs QQ against a huge stack and bullied my way to victory on the final table.

In other news, I was simultaniously playing the $44 multi and proceeded to lose with AK to AJ (crippled me down to 1/3rd the avg stack) but built my way back with some well timed steals and great bluffs. The final hand saw me holding KK and losing to AQ. Oh! And guess what...? In both hands, the money went in the middle with me as the favorite.

My analysis of my play: Perfect again. I didn't make one mistake in either tourney. I took some risks and some paid off, and some didn't, but I never made a bad call, and never pushed with the worst hand.

I'm building that bankroll for June, Stewman. At this pace, I should have $300 by then!

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