Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Death of a Heeb

My reign on PP as BigHeeb91 is officially over.

I took a week off of online poker while I was studying for finals... By the way I've played the last 3 days, I should have taken 2 weeks off. So, I will be taking another week off for the Holiday.

When I return, I will be changing my screen name. I guess it's find of like when an under performing baseball player gets traded and plays better because of the "change of scenary". I have cashed in exactly 1 SNG over the last 3 days. I'm down over $300. Being the Christmas season, all I can think of is "that woulda bought a helluva lot of presents".

Case in point: I busted out three times today when my pocket kings ran into aces twice and AQ once. I flopped top pair yesterday with AK and moved all-in only to be called by pocket 6s who of course went on to catch a 6 on the turn. Got my all-in with AK called preflop by pocket 4s and I never improved, but when I moved in with pocket jacks and pocket 10s, the guy holding AK or AQ always improved.

So I am killing off the BigHeeb when I get back in hopes that it changes my luck and I can get back into the black before the end of the month. I have a week to think about my new screen name, so hopefully I will be creatively inspired.

And here's a Christmas greeting from Nicholas:

` fgfe`r4ctvfrgdrnxb

I think that says, "Dad I need a diaper change".


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