Monday, February 01, 2010

Another winning I onto something

So last night headed back to the casino for some more 8-16 action. Immediately got the same exact seat at the same exact table as the previous night. Didn't really recognize anyone except one guy who I played with the night before. Solid players with a few donks and no stellar players.

I settled in and passed the first few hands. Then in the next half hour won hands with KK, JJ, and 88. Only pairs I had all night. I was up about half a rack within 30 minutes. No major hands for the first hour, just grinded winning small to medium size pots. In fact the whole night I lost only one hand that went to the river when Donk ATM who I had 3 bet with AK called my bet on the 997 flop and my turn bet when a 4 hit. River was a queen and I knew he had AQ. He checked and I checked behind. I have to say that hand kinda pissed me off. This guy was raising all the time (on-tilt after his aces were cracked when he flopped top set and woman flopped a straight) pre flop and then checking on the flop. He did this 4 or 5 times. So weird. One hand I was in BB and called his raised with J10. Flop was 96x. Checked around. Turn was an 8 and I led out. One guy called and original preflop raiser. River another 8 and I bet and they both folded. Now up to about a rack when the following hand happens.

Solid guy who had just moved to my table 3 bet my 2nd position raise of AJ. I call along with a few others. Flop is AAK. I check and he bets and I'm the only caller. I'm hoping he has KK but AK is possibility. Turn is gin with a J. He bets and I just call. River is a blank and we check it. He had KK and I win. Then went kinda card dead winning 1 0r 2 small pots when the biggest pot of the night happens. I limp in mid position with 76. Flop comes Q76. Donk guy mentioned before leads out. I raise and 2 guys call and donk makes it 3 bets. I cap it and everyone calls. Turn is a 10 and I'm a little worried because 98 is good and so is Q10. I still bet and 2 of them call. River is a 6 filling me up and I bet and they both call. I never saw there hands but I scooped a big pot.

I was then up about $440 and left exactly up $400 in about 2 hours. Overall up $800 exactly in less than five hours of play. I ran good today but also felt in complete control. I knew what everyone had and knew where I stood at all times. Been making more plays lately that have worked. Feeling in the zone. I think these are two of my best back to back sessions ever and I don't mean just the money. Just the fact that I was solid, didn't miss any bets or even misplay hands. I was patient and aggressive when I played.

Probably gonna take this week off even though a Tuesday evening tourney is tempting. A lot of dead money in those tourneys. Lately though I build big stack early and then suffer bad beats to cripple me. Variance for sure but frustrating.